Saturday, March 13, 2010

Food Inc. Movie

I found the movie to be a huge eye-opener. Although I already knew that the food industry was incredibly corrupt, I was blown away by exactly how disgusting and dangerous this industry is both economically and in terms of health and human rights. I was aware of the horrible lives many animals lead in the food processing system, but I was most surprised by the inhumane treatment of many of the people involved in the industry. The farmers and laborers involved the the food processing field are truly victims of corporate greed and intense bullying. I did not realise that many of the farmers, who work so hard and are dependent on the cattle/poultry/crops to survive, were so horrible mistreated by the huge corporations. "Food Inc." showed us that many of the people involved in this unfair system are treated as poorly as the products they handle. I felt bad for the soy bean farmers who had to deal with Monsanto, a corporation that has practically monopolized the soybean industry with their genetically modified soy. It was appalling to see how little money the poultry farmers made yearly even though they are locked into purchasing eqipment from the poultry companies.The beef processing workers were also treated inhumanly in a more graphic level, as they are often drenched in the fluids and feces in the processing plant and seem to be grossly mistreated by the upper management. The fact that these corporations are so blatantly abusing many poor workers and not being punished is an obvious abuse of power and lack of control by government regulations. It seems the American idea of labor laws and human rights does not apply to the food industry. Of course, the movie also shows us that both political parties are paid off and supported by these companies, which is largely why we never hear about how cruel and unjust any of this actually is. It is unreal how little we know about food, the most basic and integral part of our everyday lives aside from water and the air we breathe.


  1. I agree with you about how farmers are mistreated by the corporation. Farmers work hard in the field or farm but they get very little from the companies or government which is not fair. Furthermore, animals are treating badly in farm or industries. We should protest this.

  2. it was more than an eye opener, it was a brain shocker!!!!

  3. yeah dude like i said in my blog we can see that Farming is not what it used to be...big business has taken over the food supply, and the quality of the food we consume (and people's health) has suffered because of it.

  4. it's all about the money for the big boys

  5. Ben,
    I love your focus on the farmers! They aren't the "bad guys" but the "small guys" being transformed from entrepreneurs and stewards of the land into serfs serving the big companies.
