Monday, March 15, 2010

I kind of forgot to include how the food industry directly affects my life in the last post, so here we go-

The corrupt food industry affects my life because I am young, poor, and living in New York, trying to survive on my own during these bad economic times. These industries are another example of large c0rporations getting everything they want and obscuring politics and how it relates to the average American. I, like the average American, is struggling right now, while these companies become richer and richer. The average American, like myself, is seemingly powerless (at least at an individual level) over that cast level of bureaucracy. The average American is very likely to eat meat coming from one of these processing plants and have no idea where it actually comes from, leading to a chance of food poisoning or at least a decline in overall health. I, like many Americans, am engaging in a risk every time I eat fast food just because it is filling and incredibly cheap compared to fruit and vegetables. It affects my everyday life because it shows that the government doesn't care about my personal interest, only about the interest of huge corporations.

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